The Summer Village of Sandy Beach, AB

Extreme Cold Weather Warning expect to end Feb 15: Family Day is February 17. Garbage Day is Tue Feb 18. 5 bag rule applicable.


Welcome to the website of the Summer Village of Sandy Beach, AB. We are a lake community of 278 residents. Sandy Beach is located 55 km northwest of Edmonton on Hwy 642 in Rural Lac Ste. Anne County, bordering Sturgeon County and Alexander First Nation. Visit our day park, private run campground, the lake or Canada Day Celebrations on July 1.

About Us

Welcome to the official website of the Summer Village of Sandy Beach, Alberta! We are a community of about 300 full-time/seasonal residents. Sandy Beach (Lake) is located 55km Northwest of Edmonton on Hwy 642 in Lac Ste. Anne County bordering Sturgeon County and Alexander First Nation. Visit us.