Transmission Line Phase A (which includes Sandy Beach) UPDATE May 17-2024
A regional municipal meeting is scheduled for May 27-2024 where the Transmission Line Phase A project will be discussed together with a few other regional topics. The aim is to discuss (the County will lead and advise at this meeting) the future of the project and the scope change of including the Barrhead region in the project. Sandy Beach is still awaiting final cost analysis of the project and is hoping to source updates at this meeting via our Lagoon Chair Michael Harney. Updates will be forthcoming so please keep monitoring the website.
A meeting took place April 18 2024 with the County advising scope and awaiting Alberta Environment approval on their end. Sandy Beach attended merely for information. To date no decision has been made on joining the project or not. The County liaising with the Province on their end.
Joint Lagoon Meeting: Wednesday Feb 15-2023 @ 7pm
Project scope and COST discussion
Phase A Infrastructure Cost Estimates (2020-2023)
Sandy Beach Hall 63 Lakeshore Drive
Public Invited - please attend if you have input.
Your input is essential.
Joint Lagoon Meeting: Tuesday Nov 8 @ 7pm 63 Lakeshore Drive
Public Invited - please attend if you have input.
Sandy Beach must inform the Commission of their intent by Nov 14.
Your input is essential.
Wastewater & Darwell Transmission Line Phase A - Update Tracker
Nov 3-2023 Meeting at the County - Barrhead to get involved in project and likely to upgrade from 12 million dollar project to just over 30 million dollars 90% grant funded by AT - the scope and MOU has changed now and Sandy Beach is staying informed on how the project will change now and what role SB has (if any - still tbd by Council) to play.
Sept 21-2023 (Report on Collection Systems)
Wastewater & Lagoon (Transmission Line Phase A) UPDATE for Jan 19-2023 meeting
Cost to Scope update Jan 18-2023
Item 5A Jan 19-2023 Phase A cost Update from Dec 14-2022 letter
Item 5D Wastewater Update for Dec 15-2022 (Nov 29 received)
Item 5B Deputy Mayor WASTEWATER UPDATE Report Nov 17-2022
LSAC Green infrastructure funding: Darwell Transmission Line
Transmission Line Cost projections Sept 2022
Letter to JLC on options forward March 12 2021
Item 6A OM Cost Darwell Reply March 9 2021
MH Reply on Lagoon Repair Options 1-4 March 2 2021
SV Reply Letter to Steering Committee Feb 25 2021
Item 6A Darwell Phase A Project Logbook Feb 2021
2020 12 17 Phase A Cost Summary
Logbook Darwell Transmission Line Phase A
Update 2021
Update Nov 25, 2020
Item 6C MH Memo Lagoon Improvement Options 17 Nov 2020
January 2021
The Summer Villages have been asked to confirm commitment to the project by March 1 2021 and are seeking advice from Engineers on course for own lagoon as well as some extension to end of April to reply to Committee once feedback has been received on Water for Life and AWCCP grant applications for the lagoon. A open house on the future of wastewater and costs associated is planned for the near future. The website will be the ONLY source of information on this.
Oct 30, 2020
The Summer Villages of Sunrise Beach and Sandy Beach have requested that they have more time to evaluate the financial implications of this Project, therefore they will not be scheduling a meeting with the Town of Onoway in the near future to discuss and review the Wastewater Services Agreement and therefore immediate deliberation on the MOU and IA is on hold until further notice.
Sandy Beach will keep you advised on the status of the Project.
Darwell Transmission Line Phase A - Logbook
Discharge Notification June 1, 2020
The Discharge officially ended at the end of September 2019
Our Engineers has requested a new discharge or extension which has been approved.
The discharge is likely to start early June or July 2020 - same conditions apply as per PUBLIC NOTICE - the lagoon is off limits and the area is as per the map in the Public Notice.
Discharge in Process To START JUNE 2020
March 12th is a important Joint Lagoon Meeting as joining the transmission line and its proposed cost will be discussed as well as wastewater haul and fees in the area - the meeting is at 6 pm at the Sandy Hall.
Start Date: 23 June 2019
Completion: Approx. 3-5 days from start date.
For comments and to report any issues and concerns, please CONTACT:
Tel: 780.967.2873 or email svsandyb@xplornet.ca
PUBLIC NOTICE - 28 May 2019
The discharge application has now been approved and discharge will proceed according to the approved operational plan (see below) starting first week of June 2019. Lakeshore Residents please take note. ALL Residents or OTHER please note - The area south and west of the lagoon up to Lakeshore Drive (west) and the Lagoon Road (north) (public/municipal land) is OFF LIMITS and no activity or access is allowed under any circumstances. The discharge process will take 2 weeks to complete. Any persons in contravention or trespassing will be liable and trespass at THEIR OWN RISK and the municipality accepts no responsibility for any death, injury, illness or disability.
PUBLIC NOTICE - 29 April 2019
Water well testing and sampling now complete April 23-2019 and submitted for parameter content and SAR testing to be submitted as part of discharge application
Sewage Lagoon Gypsum Application & Water Well Testing (click on blue description)
- Gypsum will be applied - March 23 all day;
- Water (well) testing will take place - in well areas on Lakeshore Drive
- Gypsum SDS
PUBLIC NOTICE - 5 March 2019
The lagoon discharge application has now been submitted to Alberta Environment Parks & Climate Change for approval - the attached operational plan on page 20 shows the discharge plan - residents on Lakeshore Drive please note the exact distribution - All residents and visitors caution - if the discharge is approved this area is off limits regardless mode of movement.
Vegetation has been unaffected by earlier discharges and gypsum will be added to lagoon cells to reduce/break down the solid saline content in the cells in the hope of reducing SAR (saline content) and reducing the levels of the lagoon. Alberta Environment has given written (see March 11 update above) permission to apply the gypsum PRIOR to the approval of the discharge application expressing hope that the gypsum application will be successful.
Update February 2019
the discharge application has now been submitted to AEPCC for approval - the attached operational plan on page 20 shows the discharge plan - residents on Lakeshore Drive please note the exact distribution - All residents and visitors caution - if the discharge is approved this area is off limits regardless mode of movement.
Vegetation has been unaffected by earlier discharges and gypsum will be added to reduce saline content.
Update Nov 2018
Proposed Sampling Locations 2018 (Nov) - 2019
AEP is requiring the Summer Village to complete the requested soil testing and reports to proceed with an discharge approval.